It all about entertainment

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

My experience in school part 75

We rushed the ''bleeding'' Thompson to the clinic to get his wounds treated, thankfully the cut on his forehead and his cheek weren't that deep. Together, we contributed money amongst ourselves to pay for Thompsons hospital bills but sadly Thompson was to have an everlasting scare on his face, courtesy of ''Smart''.

''you see wetin you don cause?'' I said looking towards the direction of Smart. ''If koti (aka alias Police) involve, I no join o. Prison no be for person like me o''.
We all sat on a long comfortable chair waiting patiently for Thompson to get his face cleansed with medicated spirit, iodine, cotton wool... Etc.
''Temy, Mayson.. All of una, make una no vex. No be my clear eye, I use take do am'' Smart said, trying to explain himself to us.
''Kush no fit make person get hot temper. Smart,
I swear your temper fit boil yam... No be lie''
Mayson responded angrily ''If no be small thing you for just stab Thompson to death''.
We all remained quiet for a while like we were observing a few minute silence for our boy, Thompson. But the silence was interrupted with a loud scream from one of the clinic rooms.. ''Yayyy!!! Take am easy now. You wan wound me... No put spirit inside o!! No try am.. Una wan kill person?''
''No be Thompson dey shout like that so'' I asked, getting up to check what was happening in the other room.
''leave am, na idiot.. The guy too dey fear... Chicken boy'' Mayson said as we went inside to check what was happening.
After we were done attending to Thompson, I boarded a bike heading straight home. I was indeed tired and famished, the day didn't go well as planned.
When I got to the entrance of my hostel I saw Precious drawing water from the well. She wore a bum short which revealed a curvy cocacola shape and wore a huge black shirt which covered her yellow pawpaw lap.
''Temy... Where have you been?. I've been trying your number but it hasn't been reachable'' Precious said as she let go of the fetcher. She walked up to me and gave me a huge hug, I could feel the rhythmic sounds of her heart beat.
''Precious, as I dey here so.. No be me dey with you o. Physically I dey here, but spiritually my soul dey another side'' I said trying to withdraw from her. I actually wanted a hug but at that moment I felt dirty, as I had received splashes of blood stains on shirt, which I tried to hide from her.
''Temy, what's happening. You don't look aright.. You look pale, ''.
''I need to rest'' I said, trying to end the conversation.
I left precious. I went into my room, headed straight into the batheroom and washed the blood stain out of my body. Alas! I felt refreshed.
I la!d on my bed, hoping to get some rest after a long day with my friends and on the football field, but you can guess who came knocking at my door.
''come in'' I said lazily. I couldn't stand up to check who was at the door, but my instinct told me that it was no other person but ''Precious''. And there she was looking highly seductive, with her low cut hair style, nice boobs and a curvy hips.
''e no go bad, if I follow up again o'' I thought within me. ''baby you too go well''
''baby..come in'' I said, with a smile on my face.

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