The night I took that oath changed my life. I
became brand new. I knew what love was!
I couldn’t explain it but, some way, somehow,
my love for Boma increased to a level I
couldn’t comprehend. It literally intoxicated my
head each time I thought about or la!d eyes on
him. The affection we shared waxed stronger
within the space of three days interval after we
took that oath. He made love to me the night
we returned; and I could truly tell there was a
bond between us.
We straffed like rabbits at any place and
anywhere we could find, be it in his room, in
the car, in the toilet, in the kitchen and most
times, even in the bush too. That was how
insane we were! We were undoubtedly
obsessed over each other.
However, aside from all the romance going on,
we still had other pressing issues to worry
about. Like Mimiʼs killer for example; like the
rival gang who kidnapped me and who they
work for; like how to get information to link us
to where they were based and so on. It really
had us thinking and deliberating occasionally,
even up to the point that we had to schedule
another house gathering like the previous
meeting we had done before.
The only difference was that, this time, we had
more seriousness attached to it.
“Guys this is not a joking matter, letʼs be
serious here. It’s been up to 3 weeks since Fifi
moved in here, yet we haven’t taken any action
against her violators… Is this how we want to
continue? Naso we go dey do?” Bauchi fla
up all of a sudden, raising his voice loudly.
We had been on this meeting for 30 straight
minutes, arguing over and over again with no
solution or plans whatsoever coming forth. It
was starting to get tiring.
“I understand you,” Simon chipped in, trying to
calm Bauchiʼs rage, “but as you know, we
don’t know anything about these guys or how
to trace them. How do you want us to take
actions when we can’t trace them?”
“That one is simple,” Bauchi answered, “I have
a plan sorted out already, but I’m not too sure
if it will work out.”
“Table it down, let’s hear it.” Boma demanded.
“Now youʼre talking!” Bauchi heaved a sigh.
“I have a source,” he began, “a well reliable
source from which I get information about
these guys. I know at least two or three of
them that can’t do without clubbing every
Friday at a certain club popularly known as
Paloma joint. According to my source, these
guys are well known for lavishing money,
picking all sort of women and also buying
drinks in bulk for everyone around. I have a
suggestion to set a trap using one of our own
as bait for them,” he finalized.
From the look on everyoneʼs faces, we could
all tell none of us understood what Bauchi
meant or where he was headed at either.
“We don’t get you…” Eagle spoke up. Bauchi
scoffed and heaved a sigh as he shook his
head irritably.
“What I actually mean is that, since these guys
are known to be chronic womanizers, why
don’t we use that as an advantage? We could
use Fifi, Rita and Nancy as bait for them,” he
“No! Itʼs too risky!” Simon objected.
“Boss, I know what I’m saying. Iʼve thought
through it. All we have to do is make sure they
don’t recognize Fifi by making her up… She
could even put on a face cap and glasses in
disguise,” Bauchi persisted.
“But why don’t we just bust in there and raid
them?” Boma suggested.
“No, that would be too dangerous. We don’t
know how many they could be!” Bauchi
“Thatʼs true, we have to take caution. So at
what time exactly is this Paloma joint due to
open?” Simon asked.
“Anything from 6pm, I believe it should be
open.” Bauchi responded.
“You guys didn’t even bother to hear from us,”
Rita curtly chipped in, sounding annoyed.
“Hear from you say wetin?” Bauchi countered.
“At least hear from us first if we agree with
your plans, thatʼs all I mean…” she persisted.
“Babe forget am! Whether you like it or not,
una go do am… So you better stop with all this
your shakara attitude,” Bauchi replied, teasing
“E don do for una abeg! Boma and Fifi never
finish their own, naʼim una wan start with una
own too?” a guy among us spoke up, suddenly
cracking us all with laughter.
• • •
Two hours.
Two hours had passed since we had that
gathering and we had started getting prepared
for the appointed timing. It was quarter past
six when we left the house, using the van to
convey us all. By quarter past seven, we
arrived at the popular district, Paloma joint.
According to Bauchi, our plan was that I,
Nancy and Rita would go into the club and sit
down like casual clubbers while discussing
and keeping a look out for any of the rival
gang guys at the same time. Hopefully, if we
see them, we were asked to dance seductively
towards them or better still, we could sit and
wait for them to approach us and along the
line, we would lead them outside where Bauchi
and the rest of the guys would take over from.
In the club now, with almost 15 minutes gone,
Nancy, Rita and I were seated at a round-
cornered chair, still expecting the arrival of the
cult guys. There was loud music as expected
and the arena was bubbling with noise,
screams and m0ans of different kinds from
every corner. It looked as though every room
in that club were mostly reserved for those
who wanted a quickie.
“What kind of place is this?” I was prompted
to ask when I couldn’t bear the disgust in my
mind anymore.
“Is this your first time in a club?” Nancy asked,
taking a sip from the juice in her glass.
“No, but this one is different. Itʼs too raw!” I
answered. She laughed slightly, sharing
glances with Rita. She then leaned closer and
whispered something to Ritaʼs ears, and they
both cracked up with laughter.
“Whatʼs funny?” I asked, confused.
“Look how serious you are with complaints like
a saint. If somebody sees you outside now,
they would think you are holy,” she said, still
“How do you mean?” I exclaimed.
“Since the past three days that Boma took you
out and returned, we haven’t been able to rest
in that house. If we don’t hear noises like
‘ouch, ouch, ouch,’ then it must certainly be
another one like ‘aah, aah, aaow’ coming from
that room,” Nancy explained, still laughing. I
couldn’t help but laugh too when I understood
what she meant.
“It doesn’t end there,” Rita chipped in, “most
times they do it in the room, sometimes in the
kitchen, and often times in the car too.”
“In the kitchen?” Nancy gasped.
“I swear, I’ve seen them doing it there. That
one is even minor! The one that shocked me
the most was the day I wanted to fetch water
outside the corridor, I now saw the small car
shaking rapidly. I was scared as hell! I wanted
to run, thinking it was an evil spirit stalking
me, but when I looked closer I discovered they
were the ones pounding themselves at the
back seat,” Rita exclaimed, cracking us up with
laughter again.
“And she screams very loud!” Nancy added.
“I don’t scream loud!” I defended.
“You scream louder than a woman in labour,”
Rita cut in.
I was about to say something to defend
myself when my eyes darted towards the
club’s entrance door. I saw three macho guys
walk in, and the moment they did, almost
everyone in the club started shouting and
hailing them. From the noise, Nancy and Rita
followed my gaze to see what I was looking
“I think thatʼs them.” I said, keeping my gaze
fixated towards the entrance door.
“Fifi, keep your head down and put on the
glass.” Nancy instructed. Immediately, I did as
she said and adjusted the face cap to cover
my face well.
“One of them is approaching us,” Rita said. I
and Nancy looked towards the direction and
saw a guy holding a bottle of beer, coming
towards us.
“Ladies, whatʼs up!” He said as he finally stood
before us. We said nothing in response.
“Iʼm talking to you, fine girl…”
He seemed to be referring to me, hoping to
see my face, but I kept my head down.
“Babe what’s up na?” He said again.
This time, I raised my head up to meet his
stare with a smile. He didn’t seem to
recognize me in any way. Nancy and Rita
smiled to themselves and then they gestured a
sign to me with their eyes. I decoded the sign
“Let us leave you two alone,” Nancy said as
she and Rita stood up and excused us. Then,
the macho guy sat beside me and placed his
beer bottle on the table, smiling sheepishly.
“Babe how far na…”
“Iʼm good, whatʼs up?” I responded casually.
“Babe I dey feel your parolé die, I swear. I for
like make we collabo! See as you fresh,” he
said as he licked his lips lustfully.
“Bros no be mouth o! I hope say you hold
mulla for hand?” I questioned, acting along to
his tune.
“Babe forget am, I get mulla plenty…” he
boasted, raising his shoulders high.
“Since you get am, no wahala then… make we
go outside go run package,” I suggested.
“Outside for what? We get plenty rooms inside
here na,” he complained.
“Bros I no dey like room parole, make we go
outside stay for one corner do am!” I insisted.
“Okay na, nothing spoil…” he agreed.
He took up his bottle of beer as we both stood
up and then wrapped his arm around my
shoulder, walking me towards the entrance
When we came out, I told him I knew a vacant
spot close-by as I led him along. I led him
towards the van and when we got there, I took
him to the back behind it. He started pulling
off his trouser and, the next thing he knew, out
of nowhere, a heavy plank pounced upon his
head as he staggered to the ground. It was
followed by blows, hits and kicks from every
corner as he was surrounded.
“Idiot!” Bauchi scoffed as he kicked him one
more time.
Almost immediately, Nancy and Rita showed
up from a corner and joined us.
“Nice job, ladies!” Simon commended.
“Put the idiot in the van and letʼs leave here.”
became brand new. I knew what love was!
I couldn’t explain it but, some way, somehow,
my love for Boma increased to a level I
couldn’t comprehend. It literally intoxicated my
head each time I thought about or la!d eyes on
him. The affection we shared waxed stronger
within the space of three days interval after we
took that oath. He made love to me the night
we returned; and I could truly tell there was a
bond between us.
We straffed like rabbits at any place and
anywhere we could find, be it in his room, in
the car, in the toilet, in the kitchen and most
times, even in the bush too. That was how
insane we were! We were undoubtedly
obsessed over each other.
However, aside from all the romance going on,
we still had other pressing issues to worry
about. Like Mimiʼs killer for example; like the
rival gang who kidnapped me and who they
work for; like how to get information to link us
to where they were based and so on. It really
had us thinking and deliberating occasionally,
even up to the point that we had to schedule
another house gathering like the previous
meeting we had done before.
The only difference was that, this time, we had
more seriousness attached to it.
“Guys this is not a joking matter, letʼs be
serious here. It’s been up to 3 weeks since Fifi
moved in here, yet we haven’t taken any action
against her violators… Is this how we want to
continue? Naso we go dey do?” Bauchi fla
up all of a sudden, raising his voice loudly.
We had been on this meeting for 30 straight
minutes, arguing over and over again with no
solution or plans whatsoever coming forth. It
was starting to get tiring.
“I understand you,” Simon chipped in, trying to
calm Bauchiʼs rage, “but as you know, we
don’t know anything about these guys or how
to trace them. How do you want us to take
actions when we can’t trace them?”
“That one is simple,” Bauchi answered, “I have
a plan sorted out already, but I’m not too sure
if it will work out.”
“Table it down, let’s hear it.” Boma demanded.
“Now youʼre talking!” Bauchi heaved a sigh.
“I have a source,” he began, “a well reliable
source from which I get information about
these guys. I know at least two or three of
them that can’t do without clubbing every
Friday at a certain club popularly known as
Paloma joint. According to my source, these
guys are well known for lavishing money,
picking all sort of women and also buying
drinks in bulk for everyone around. I have a
suggestion to set a trap using one of our own
as bait for them,” he finalized.
From the look on everyoneʼs faces, we could
all tell none of us understood what Bauchi
meant or where he was headed at either.
“We don’t get you…” Eagle spoke up. Bauchi
scoffed and heaved a sigh as he shook his
head irritably.
“What I actually mean is that, since these guys
are known to be chronic womanizers, why
don’t we use that as an advantage? We could
use Fifi, Rita and Nancy as bait for them,” he
“No! Itʼs too risky!” Simon objected.
“Boss, I know what I’m saying. Iʼve thought
through it. All we have to do is make sure they
don’t recognize Fifi by making her up… She
could even put on a face cap and glasses in
disguise,” Bauchi persisted.
“But why don’t we just bust in there and raid
them?” Boma suggested.
“No, that would be too dangerous. We don’t
know how many they could be!” Bauchi
“Thatʼs true, we have to take caution. So at
what time exactly is this Paloma joint due to
open?” Simon asked.
“Anything from 6pm, I believe it should be
open.” Bauchi responded.
“You guys didn’t even bother to hear from us,”
Rita curtly chipped in, sounding annoyed.
“Hear from you say wetin?” Bauchi countered.
“At least hear from us first if we agree with
your plans, thatʼs all I mean…” she persisted.
“Babe forget am! Whether you like it or not,
una go do am… So you better stop with all this
your shakara attitude,” Bauchi replied, teasing
“E don do for una abeg! Boma and Fifi never
finish their own, naʼim una wan start with una
own too?” a guy among us spoke up, suddenly
cracking us all with laughter.
• • •
Two hours.
Two hours had passed since we had that
gathering and we had started getting prepared
for the appointed timing. It was quarter past
six when we left the house, using the van to
convey us all. By quarter past seven, we
arrived at the popular district, Paloma joint.
According to Bauchi, our plan was that I,
Nancy and Rita would go into the club and sit
down like casual clubbers while discussing
and keeping a look out for any of the rival
gang guys at the same time. Hopefully, if we
see them, we were asked to dance seductively
towards them or better still, we could sit and
wait for them to approach us and along the
line, we would lead them outside where Bauchi
and the rest of the guys would take over from.
In the club now, with almost 15 minutes gone,
Nancy, Rita and I were seated at a round-
cornered chair, still expecting the arrival of the
cult guys. There was loud music as expected
and the arena was bubbling with noise,
screams and m0ans of different kinds from
every corner. It looked as though every room
in that club were mostly reserved for those
who wanted a quickie.
“What kind of place is this?” I was prompted
to ask when I couldn’t bear the disgust in my
mind anymore.
“Is this your first time in a club?” Nancy asked,
taking a sip from the juice in her glass.
“No, but this one is different. Itʼs too raw!” I
answered. She laughed slightly, sharing
glances with Rita. She then leaned closer and
whispered something to Ritaʼs ears, and they
both cracked up with laughter.
“Whatʼs funny?” I asked, confused.
“Look how serious you are with complaints like
a saint. If somebody sees you outside now,
they would think you are holy,” she said, still
“How do you mean?” I exclaimed.
“Since the past three days that Boma took you
out and returned, we haven’t been able to rest
in that house. If we don’t hear noises like
‘ouch, ouch, ouch,’ then it must certainly be
another one like ‘aah, aah, aaow’ coming from
that room,” Nancy explained, still laughing. I
couldn’t help but laugh too when I understood
what she meant.
“It doesn’t end there,” Rita chipped in, “most
times they do it in the room, sometimes in the
kitchen, and often times in the car too.”
“In the kitchen?” Nancy gasped.
“I swear, I’ve seen them doing it there. That
one is even minor! The one that shocked me
the most was the day I wanted to fetch water
outside the corridor, I now saw the small car
shaking rapidly. I was scared as hell! I wanted
to run, thinking it was an evil spirit stalking
me, but when I looked closer I discovered they
were the ones pounding themselves at the
back seat,” Rita exclaimed, cracking us up with
laughter again.
“And she screams very loud!” Nancy added.
“I don’t scream loud!” I defended.
“You scream louder than a woman in labour,”
Rita cut in.
I was about to say something to defend
myself when my eyes darted towards the
club’s entrance door. I saw three macho guys
walk in, and the moment they did, almost
everyone in the club started shouting and
hailing them. From the noise, Nancy and Rita
followed my gaze to see what I was looking
“I think thatʼs them.” I said, keeping my gaze
fixated towards the entrance door.
“Fifi, keep your head down and put on the
glass.” Nancy instructed. Immediately, I did as
she said and adjusted the face cap to cover
my face well.
“One of them is approaching us,” Rita said. I
and Nancy looked towards the direction and
saw a guy holding a bottle of beer, coming
towards us.
“Ladies, whatʼs up!” He said as he finally stood
before us. We said nothing in response.
“Iʼm talking to you, fine girl…”
He seemed to be referring to me, hoping to
see my face, but I kept my head down.
“Babe what’s up na?” He said again.
This time, I raised my head up to meet his
stare with a smile. He didn’t seem to
recognize me in any way. Nancy and Rita
smiled to themselves and then they gestured a
sign to me with their eyes. I decoded the sign
“Let us leave you two alone,” Nancy said as
she and Rita stood up and excused us. Then,
the macho guy sat beside me and placed his
beer bottle on the table, smiling sheepishly.
“Babe how far na…”
“Iʼm good, whatʼs up?” I responded casually.
“Babe I dey feel your parolé die, I swear. I for
like make we collabo! See as you fresh,” he
said as he licked his lips lustfully.
“Bros no be mouth o! I hope say you hold
mulla for hand?” I questioned, acting along to
his tune.
“Babe forget am, I get mulla plenty…” he
boasted, raising his shoulders high.
“Since you get am, no wahala then… make we
go outside go run package,” I suggested.
“Outside for what? We get plenty rooms inside
here na,” he complained.
“Bros I no dey like room parole, make we go
outside stay for one corner do am!” I insisted.
“Okay na, nothing spoil…” he agreed.
He took up his bottle of beer as we both stood
up and then wrapped his arm around my
shoulder, walking me towards the entrance
When we came out, I told him I knew a vacant
spot close-by as I led him along. I led him
towards the van and when we got there, I took
him to the back behind it. He started pulling
off his trouser and, the next thing he knew, out
of nowhere, a heavy plank pounced upon his
head as he staggered to the ground. It was
followed by blows, hits and kicks from every
corner as he was surrounded.
“Idiot!” Bauchi scoffed as he kicked him one
more time.
Almost immediately, Nancy and Rita showed
up from a corner and joined us.
“Nice job, ladies!” Simon commended.
“Put the idiot in the van and letʼs leave here.”
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