You have heard from those in power that though shall prepare for post utme examination this year. But you are still wondering, how do I pass this post utme aptitude test when I am not prepared for it yet? Verily I say unto you, if though shall go through these 15 laws to pass post utme examination then amazing success shall be yours.
Quote: It is what you have in your head that takes you ahead; you don’t always need a big head to move ahead. Take a glass of chilled water and follow me as I prepare you for dramatic success in post utme.
15 Laws To Pass 2018 POST UTME Examination Once
1. Thou Shall Have Hunger:
Like I always say, it is your hunger that determines your hangout. Before anything happens to you, it first happens in you.
Be motivated to pass your post utme examination. If you don’t continually prepare yourself and mind to pass this exam, there is nothing someone else can do to prepare you.
Don’t take what comes, go for what you want. Desire a post utme score and work towards making it a reality. Alway’s tell yourself, “I must pass this post utme examination once and for all”.
Now that you have made this confession to pass post utme examination, always think about post utme exam, make plans towards your post utme exam date and finally, spend quality time to study for your post utme. You will be home and dry with the three steps above.
2. Forget About Your Jamb Score:
However, you need to develop a positive attitude toward your post utme irrespective of your Jamb score. Always strive to pass post utme examination irrespective of what you think you scored in Jamb.
Post utme is a very important factor that determines who gains admission. Even if you scored low in Jamb, you still have a golden opportunity to study your desired course in the University.
A very high post utme score can help boost your Jamb result.
One of the greatest mistakes candidates make in post utme is thinking that their high Jamb score is enough. Don’t be deceived….. no matter how high your Jamb score may be, a low post utme score will disgrace it. Be warned!
3. Revive Your Reading Appetite:
It is normal for you to lose reading appetite after reading to pass Jamb plus the circumstances that follow Jamb utme.
But since there is no excuse for failure, then you need to stop anything that has the potential to stop your success. You can always revive your dying appetite for reading.
4. Say No To Procrastination:
Later things…. Things is the language of procrastinators. They always think there is time. My dear, do whatever you need to do now. Time is an asset and not a handset.
The later you always say doesn’t come as expected. Learn to live your life with the sense of urgency. Have the mentality, “I am behind schedule…”. Your post utme examination is not far. Say no to procrastination.
5. Read For Longer Hours:
Reading for less than five hours daily is okay for you as a secondary school student. But the demand on you get’s higher with time.
Effective reading is a function of time. You may not be fast enough to change time but you can be fast enough to maximise your time. Increase the number of hours you read daily.
Now, you may be wondering about how to study for long hours. It is very easy….. I have written a detailed article on how to study for long hours without losing concentration. Trust me, it’s going to be of great benefit to you.
6. Learn To Remember:
To pass post utme once and for all, you must learn to remember. It is not just enough to read. It is more important to remember what you have read.
The difference between someone who reads for shorter hours but pass very well and another who studies for long hours but don’t perform well is “remembrance”.
Study to remember and not to forget. If you can remember all you have read, then success will smile on you. Do whatever will make you pass post utme examination genuinely.
7. Learn The Jarking Styles That Pay:
I know that you want to gain admission into the University. I wish you what you wish yourself. But one thing should always be in your mind, “to survive in the University, you must jark”.
Reading is good but jarking pays. And in the world of Jarking, there are different styles to adopt so as to be successful when the post utme results are released. Trust me, I have written a full guide on how to jark for your own good.
8. Practice With Past Questions:
Do you know that past questions are the picture of your future questions? Now you know. Learn to practice past questions.
How do I get post utme past questions for my University of choice? It is very easy. Post utme past questions are solve in bookshops around Universities and various lecture houses.
9. Test Yourself:
It is not enough to keep reading. Try to always test yourself to know your level of preparedness.
There are many ways you can test yourself; they included practising past questions without looking at the answers and setting custom exams for yourself.
10. You Need More Speed:
The greatest demand right now in post utme is time. If you are not fast enough, then you won’t finish enough. You need to dramatically improve your exam answering skills.
11. Learn To Cram:
Your dad said you should not cram and you are still confused whether to cram or not? Hear this, there are times when you need to cram.
12. Learn To Solve Without Calculator:
I know you cannot give me the correct answer to 2/3 right now without calculator. I can see that you are trying to get the answer….lol
Most schools do not allow the use of calculator in their post utme examination. Therefore, you must learn to solve problems without pressing your calculator. It is time to temporarily break the covenant you have with calculator.
13. Learn To Do Night Reading:
So many candidates make the statement, “I don’t know how to read at night”. my dear, it is time to know how to read at night.
You must lean how to handle your night. The day is usually not enough to do everything you should. The night is a golden opportunity for you to capture your future and acquire your desire.
14. Attend Lecture Houses:
Attending lectures is very helpful. If you find it difficult to be self taught then consider attending a good lecture house close to you.
15. Love Your Subjects:
I don’t like mathematics. This is the complain of many students.
It is true that everyone has areas of weakness. However, it is also true that weaknesses can be handled. Handle your weakness now and pass post utme examination once and for all.
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