It all about entertainment

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Must Read: Neighbourhood S£x…. “The Tale Of A Private Lesson Teacher”. Part 4

2 weeks before the robbery day, janet had been skipping class
seriously. Shw had been frustrating my effort and I knew if she
continues this way, no doubt that she will fail the next JAMB. So
I thought of a plan. Each time I am about to tell her to attend
classes, I will place my phone on a recorder. So I have been
capturing all her excuses and conversations. Even the periods
that she do threatened me, I do record the threats.
On the night of the robbery, I have sneaked in as usual, I ate my
dinner in sikirat’s room. We have had our lessons. Just when we
were bleeping in canine style, we heard a knock on the gate. ”
Open the gate or else I will blow your head with gun”, a voice
said from outside. We were scared, my Joystick went flat instantly.
What do we do now?, sikirat asked. I don’t know too, I replied.
Immediately I remembered my neighbour friend at home. His
name is sunkanmi. Sunkanmi is a police officer, he had joined
the police force about 7 years ago, he was feared by people in
our neighbourhood.
I placed a call to sunkanmi.
ME: hello sunkanmi, abeg there is trouble. Where you dey?
SUNKANMI: I dey work on night duty
ME: please we need your help at the white house
SUNKANMI: where is white house? And what is happening
ME: armed robber are here pls do something to help us. **i
described the location**
Sunkanmi: but wetin u dey do for there?
ME: I will explain later.
I hanged up. I and sikirat locked ourselves inside the bathroom in
her room. The thieves had gained entrance into the compound,
manipulated the entrance door and now in the living room. They
searched every room including sikirat’s room. We didn’t make
any sound, they went to the kitchen, ate the beefs in the pot
before returning back to the living room. They were about going
away with some money and properties when we heard another
voice outside “stop there, if you move then you are dead”.
I was happy that sunkanmi had helped. All the robbers were
arrested, I and sikirat came out of the room, dressed up and went
outside to see what was going on. I couldn’t see sunkanmi
among the cops. The police officer asked ” who are the
occupants of this house?”, the gateman pointed to sikirat as the
person who lives in the main house as at this time. The police
officer turned to me. Oga, who are you?. I went dumb and
couldn’t speak. How do I explain my identity?. Its past 4am, the
robbers are now in the police van, the officer told I and sikirat to
follow them to station for statement writing. ****chaiiiii, my own
don meet me today, wetin I go tell madam?, how do I get there at
midnite?, what for?.
On reaching the station, I called sunkanmi and he gave me
directions to where I will see him.
ME: sunky baba, you have to help me please.
SUnKANMI: what happened?, I was the one who arranged the
boys to rescue you after your call last night.
ME: I know, but I needed help.
SUnKANMI: what do you want me to do for you?,
ME: ********i explained all my movements, my secret lessons to
SunKANMI: so what?
ME: madam will be here soon. What will be my explanation?
SUNKANMI: leave that to me, In your statement, just write it that
you were coming from a vigil when you noticed the robbery
movements, you hide somewhere, minutes later, you called me.
You saw the gate opened by the robbers, you summon the
courage to enter with the mindset to rescue the occupants of the
house, then the police arrived. That’s all.
ME: sunky baba. Thanks so much ooooo. ****chaiiii, see police
I went back to meet sikirat, whispered into her ears about what
sunkanmi said. She was happy and relieved because she too was
scared of what will happen if madam finds out. Sunkanmi also
gave a script to sikirat to write. It was that day I believed that
We both write our statements as directed by sunkanmi. At about
6:10am, madam and janet arrived.
MADAM: police officer, what happened?, I heard my house was
robbed and my maid is here? ***i guess oga peter didn’t mention
my name to madam. That good of him****
IPO: yes madam. It was this young man that alerted the police
“pointing at me”****he reads out my statement to madam.
Sunkanmi also add sauce and juice to the story. Madam was so
exicited. See me at home tomorrow sunday at 3pm “madam said
to me”.
Its 3pm on sunday, I dressed well and went straight to the white
house. I was welcomed warmly. Madam, janet and gideon were
sitting in the living room.
MADAM: onihaxy, I’m so happy about what you did, for your
courage, boldness and the police you invited to save our
properties from been stolen.
ME: ******my head come dey swell***. You are welcome ma.
MADAM: now, you are now more than a lesson teacher. You are
now part of our family. Feel free to come here any time. You may
sleep over whenever you feel like
ME: ****my head come swell again***** thank you ma.
MADAM: sikira!!!!!!!!!!!!, show onihaxy his new room. He is now
part of us, whenever he feels like sleeping over, he should be
Janet looked at me, she smiled and winked. I followed sikirat to
see the room.
Now, no more sneaking, we are now closer. “Sikirat said”.
I left the white house on that sunday evening, different thoughts
running through my mind. What is janet up to?, why did she
winked at me?, what if I was caught with sikirat?, I thought of
everything and decided to maintain my usual lesson outing with
to the white house.
Sikirat’s lesson at my home continued every market days, I keep
on enjoying food stuffs and beef courtesy of sikirat, we still our
friday night lesson/S£x at the white house.
Something happened along the line. I came for lessons as usual
and met janet in the living room looking depressed and sad. I
tried talking to her but she won’t say a word. I manipulated her
by every means but she won’t talk, I came closer to her, held her
palm, she was so cold, I looked into her eyes and it was soaked,
Janet must be going through something or something happened
to her I thought, yet she wouldn’t speak. Janet stood up and went
to her room. I didn’t know where the boldness came from, I
followed her.
She sat on her bed, bending down her head and supporting it
with her left hand, she was wearing her usual bump short with a
yellow top. I sat beside her. Held her hand again trying to talk to
“Janet, you can talk to me”
I can’t say anything, she replied.
“Do you want me to start crying also?”
She lift up head looked at me and said,
Onihaxy, “I have been heart broken”.

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