And it was on a monday morning, Okikibwas brought out of the cell around eight o'clock in the morning. He was handcuffed and led into the prison van(Black Maria)tears rolled down okiki's face as he marched into the van. He was suffering from a crime he knows nothing about. He was treated like an animal by the police but he knew within himself that they were following the order of Jessica's father. Jessica's father was a Councillor in the state, so he used that influence to make sure he was dealth with. He threatened him and even said he will live to witness the day he will be hanged. Professor Abang and many of Okiki's school lecturers have met to plead with him but he was still adamant, he said their pleading won't bring back his daughter to the world.whoever kills with a sword shall also be killed with it. Okikis lawyer gave him little hope of success because all the evidences showed that he was guilty of the crime,but he promised to try his best as he tapped okiki on the back before he left that night...
The lawyer arrived at the court and okiki was led to the court room. They waited for about two hours because a case was going on. Okiki's case was called on and he was brought before the court. Barrister Mike and Jessica father's lawyer both introduced themself and they proceeded. After lot of arguements by the two professionals, the judge decided to question Okiki instead. Two books were brought before him (Holy Bible and Holy Koran) and he swore with the Bible to say the truth and nothing but the truth.
"My name is Damilare OKIKI, a final year physics student ,i didnt touch jessica, i only rendered an assistance. i was on my way home one night when a heavy rain started. i met her on my way and she called and requested to be in my company because she was scared, the rain got heavier and i finally reached my own house. i bade her goodnight but it seemed her house is still far away,she was scared of being raped on her way back home alone and she begged to sleep over in my own house. i was not comfortable with the idea but i had to help her out, she is a girl and anything can happen to her at that hour of the night so i granted her request and she came to my small and unfurnished room. we gisted normal for a while before i spread my mat on the floor for us to sleep. i woke up in the morning and found out that she was dead,i was surprised to see her dead body, This is the absolute truth my lord, i am innocent". Okiki pleaded with tears rolling down his eyes.
The judge shook his head, then he coughed and proceeded, he knew in his heart and he believed Okiki, he knew the boy was innocent of the crime but he have to follow the right procedures.
He requested to see two or three people who knew Okiki very well and professor abang and two other lecturers came out to testify that he is a good and intelligent boy. "He has never commited a crime before and he is the only first class student the department has which showed that he is not a crimal" Professor Abang said.
The jugde shook his head again and requested to see some doctors.wo qualified doctors were immediately sent for and within ten minutes they appeared at the court. The jugde told them to carry out an autopsy(a critical examination on a dead body in order to discover the cause of death)on jessica's body. Her corpse is still at the mortuary and the doctors bowed before they left. The judge adjourned the trial of Okiki till the next month. "The outcome of the autopsy will determine whether he was the real murderer or not" said the Judge. I rise, court!!!
Okiki was taken back into the cell, the rest of the inmate asked him about his trial and he told them all that happened. They prayed that God will not leave or forsake him,he smiled and thanked them.
Okiki woke up in the middle of the night and observed a lot of prayer, he never wanted to end his life that way. Okiki has always dreamt of becoming a great person and helping others. He wanted to impact a lot of positive things on people. He prayed daily.
After some weeks, the autopsy was done and the doctors were waiting patiently to present it to the court. The day of the hearing came again and Okiki was brought to the court. The judge proceeded, "where are the doctors"?he asked. The doctors came forward and the judge asked them to give him the result of the autopsy. Okiki's heart beat faster than normal as the judge opened to read out the result.
#Episode 4 loading
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