The judge wore a frowned face which sent a cold shiver around okiki’s spine, he put on his glasses and patiently opened the envelop as he read the results to himself and looked at Okiki’s face. His heart beat ten times faster this time around. He knew within himself trouble is already knocking so he prayed silently to God to keep and save him from the predicament.
The judge knew he was innocent but the result contradicted his belief. The Judge then cleared his throat and continued, “according to the test carried out by this two qualified doctors the result shows that Jessica was injected with a poison which ultimately led to her death, This poison contains a substance which is capable of killing a human being in two minutes”. He read out..Okiki’s body was shivering couldn’t believe what he just heard. .
The other lawyer seeked for permission, he stood up, faced the judge and then continued, “My lord!from the evidence provided by the medical experts, it is so glaring and evident that Okiki is the real murderer and he’s guilty of the crime charged; if Jessica was injected with a poison earlier she ought to have died before she met Okiki that night because this poison is capable of to take a life in just two minutes; therefore my lord, that she died in his room, he obviously injected and killed her” the lawyer noted.
Okiki’s lawyer stood up with the permission of the judge and continued, “My lord, my client has nothing to do with her death. He is an innocent person, what does he stand to gain from killing her? he only rendered her help as a good citizen. My client doesn’t even know her before so why should he kill her? she was not with any money or material thing he would want to steal whatsoever. According to the autopsy, she wasn’t raped neither was any part of her body missing, my lord i want you to have mercy on my client, he should not be jailed for what he knows nothing about” Okikis lawyer pleaded.
The judge cleared his throat again, he was confused this time. Truly what does okiki stand to gain for killing Jessica? He thought within himself. she wasn’t with money and even if she was with money he would have grabbed her bag and ran away the night they met this confused the judge and he shook his head. He adjourned the case and the next hearing would be in two weeks time.
Okiki was in his cell room when a policeman came to inform him that his lawyer wanted to speak with him. His lawyer told him to tell the truth if he really murdered Jessica but Okiki only cried, his lawyer consoled him and told him that this case is getting complicated by the day. “All evidences showed that you killed her, we saw the autopsy she was injected in your room and you were alone with her, she was not injected outside. So who else came into your room that night”? the lawyer asked. Okiki told him that no one was with them. and they were all alone.
Okiki’s lawyer left the police station and went to his room, he searched thoroughly into all nooks and crannies but could not find any suspicious thing. he gave up the search and was on his out when he stepped on an injection, damn!he screamed. it was the same injection which was used on Jessica, he wrapped the injection into his handkerchief, he was careful not to touched with his hand.
He went back to Okiki and explained everything to him and how he saw the injection in his room. Okiki was scared and swore to be innocent.,the lawyer asked dangaske for the last time if he was innocent because he would carry out a finger print test on it. Okiki assured him that he was innocent.
Then at the court on the day of the hearing, the judge concluded that Okiki is guilty of the crime he was charged with and therefore would be purnished accordingly. Then his lawyer stood up and told the judge of his new findings, the judge was kind of happy with the new development, judge himself knew Okiki was innocent but can’t defend him. He quickly called for the service of a specialised doctor in finger print test and they were handed the injection with the supervision of three policemen,the case was adjourned until the test is concluded
Episode 5 loading…
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